SGS Société Générale de Surveillance AG
Technoparkstrasse 1
CH-8005 Zürich
Country : Switzerland
Phone : +41:44:445 16 80
Fax : +41:44:445 16 88
Email :
Notified Body number : 1251
Website : SGS Société Générale de Surveillance AG

Medical Device Accreditation
MD 0101: Non-active devices for anesthesis, emergency and intensive care
MD 0103: Non-active orthopedic and rehabilitation devices
MD 0106: Non-active instruments
MD 0301: Bandages and wound dressings
MD 0401: Non-active dental equipment and instruments
MD 1106: Active dental devices
MD 1107: Active devices for disinfection and sterilisation
MD 1111: Software
MD 1202: Imaging devices utilising non-ionizing radiation

MDD ANNEX II: Full Quality Assurance
MDD ANNEX V: Production Quality Assurance