Harmonized Standards
EN ISO 21536
Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Specific requirements for knee-joint replacement implants
EN ISO 22523
External limb prostheses and external orthoses - Requirements and test methods
EN ISO 22675
Prosthetics - Testing of ankle-foot devices and foot units - Requirements and test methods
EN 60118-13
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
EN 60645-1
Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment -- Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers
EN 60645-2
Audiometers -- Part 2: Equipment for speech audiometry
EN 60645-3
Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment -- Part 3: Test signals of short duration
EN 60645-4
Audiometers -- Part 4: Equipment for extended high-frequency audiometry
EN 60627
Diagnostic X-ray imaging equipment - Characteristics of general purpose and mammographic anti-scatter grids